Can you lower blood sugar while sitting ? | Soleus push-ups | Dr Pal [87006707d]

Can you lower blood sugar while sitting ? | Soleus push-ups | Dr Pal [87006707d]

the research is interesting because it illustrates how someone can fire up their metabolism, without actually doing what most would consider “exercise”.

It leverages the unique properties of the soleus muscle which is designed to work constantly, without fatigue which is unlike most muscles in the human body.

Located on the lower leg, the soleus muscle runs from behind the knee down to the Achilles tendon. It makes up what is generally referred to as the “calf” along with the gastrocnemius muscle.

the research had participants doing the movement continuously for around 4 hours at a time and not stopping for more than 4 minutes during your soleus push up workout.

The duration is important, because if you simply did 10 repetitions of seated calf raises, you wouldn’t get the benefits that the research has identified from soleus push ups.

Dr. Palaniappan Manickam MD, MPH
Internal Medicine | Gastroenterology | Epidemiologist

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