What are Good Fasting Blood Sugar Levels? In this video, Dr. Ergin will talk about Fasting Blood sugars and what should fasting blood sugar be? Dr. Ergin, founder, and CEO of Sugarmds.com, explains best blood sugars/fasting blood glucose for normal healthy people and patients with diabetes. Also, Dr. Ergin will talk about how to bring fasting blood sugar as good as possible. To control A1c fasting blood sugars always have to be less than 130. But Fasting blood sugar of 80-100 can be obtained for many people but it should be under the supervision of an endocrinologist. He also goes over what factors determine your fasting blood sugars. He tells about why fasting blood sugars remain high. Safe medications to use to bring fasting blood sugar/glucose are medications like ozempic, metformin, jardiance, or similar medications in the same class. To learn more get a consult from us at www.sugarmds.com
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